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Eosta joins the AgriExpo Agrícola Orgánico Latin America 2021

Eosta joins the AgriExpo Agrícola Orgánico Latin America 2021

The Dutch organization that is currently the largest importer, packer and distributor of fresh organically grown products, will be part of the Agriexpo held between November 24 and 25.

Its history and objectives

Eosta was founded in 1990, by current CEO Volkert Engelsman and his college friend Willem van Wijk. It is a Dutch company that is in charge of importing, packaging and distributing organically grown products, it also manages warehouses and prepackaging facilities dedicated exclusively to organic products in the main fresh input centers in Europe. Another of Eosta’s focus areas is the development of organic agriculture projects in the southern hemisphere and the tropics.

Among its innovative import and distribution strategies, it stands out that all Eosta products carry a unique Nature & More ‘trace & tell’ (QR) code that provides retailers and consumers with direct web access to the unique history of the producer, as well as the ecological and social impact.

Campaigns and Initiatives launched by Eosta

During the United Nations Year of the Soil in 2015, Eosta launched the Save Our Soils campaign, together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). In which 200 partners and many important personalities, among which are Desmond Tutu, Julia Roberts, the Dalai Lama, among others, seek to educate consumers about the importance of soil, food safety and the climate. For more information you can access the page

Eosta recently launched the True Cost of Food initiative, which promotes the principle that food prices should reflect the true cost of food. So while international policymakers are still discovering the promise of food cost accounting, Eosta is showing consumers the true cost of organic versus conventional products. For more information about the True Cost of Food you can go to this link:


The Dutch company has been honored with several awards, including the number 1 position in the Top-100 for Dutch sustainability in 2017, the King William I award received in 2018 and the award to European companies for the environment in 2019.

If you are interested in knowing much more about this company, you can visit its page

Photography courtesy EOSTA

Cristian Martin Ruchaj

Communications Manager

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AOA Chile