Third International Seminar on Organic Agriculture will be held online

Third International Seminar on Organic Agriculture will be held online

With national and foreign specialists we seek to continue promoting organic production in the country.

Next November 17 and 18, in the Carahue commune, the “3rd er International Seminar on Agroecological Organic Agriculture, Chile 2020″ will be held, organized by Agromapu Business and the Municipality of Padre Las Casas .

On this occasion, the event will aim to transfer knowledge of specialists from the country and abroad in matters of marketing, protection of native seeds, organic animal and plant production, and organic inputs. & nbsp;

Their participation from abroad was confirmed by Michael Rua, General Manager of Livestock Business Culture, and Edinson Vaquiro, General Manager of the AGPROCEM Planadas Business Group, from Colombia; Eric Semeillon, President of the Latin American Kokopelli Association, and Verónica Devenin, of SEKN, from Costa Rica; Lorenzo Nigo, Executive Director of ACAMEX, from Mexico; Julia Lernoud, IFOAM board member, Ruben Contreras, Consultant and Coordinator of the Sustainable Chubut Program, & nbsp; and Pedro Landa, & nbsp; Founding Partner MAPO (Argentine Movement for Organic Production) and Director of the Rodale USA Institute, of Argentina.

On the other hand, the seminar will also be attended by national figures, such as: Henrich Neisskenwirth, from Ecocert; Valentina Vives and Susana Hernández from the Austral Seed Work Cooperative; Segundo Yevilao Huenchullan, President of the Miguel Yevilao Ponotro Indigenous Community; and Claudio Cárdenas, Head of the Department of Organic Agriculture of the Agricultural and Livestock Service, SAG.

“On this occasion, due to the effects that the health emergency caused by Covid19 has caused in everyone’s pockets, we decided to do this seminar for free, and the organic agricultural production and marketing workshops, which will be held on On November 19, they will have an estimated value of two thousand Chilean pesos (US $ 2.60) ”, explained Rodrigo Rojas Cheuquenao, founder of Agro Mapu Business.

Likewise, it is important to highlight the presence of important national and international sponsors, such as: the Cooperativa Agrícola y Lechera de la Unión, COLUN; the International Federation of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM; and the international distributor of organic products EOSTA, to name a few.

Finally, Rojas Cheuquenao extended an invitation to those interested to stay informed on the digital platforms of AOA Chile, where information about the event and other training projects in the organic and agroecological area will be published.

Romy Bernal Díaz

Escrito por:
AOA Chile