The 20th Organic World Congress will take place in Rennes, France in September

The 20th Organic World Congress will take place in Rennes, France in September

The 20th Organic World Congress will be held in Rennes, France between September 6 and 10, 2021. This congress has been organized by different actors, such as IFOAM Organics International, Agence Bio, A Pro Bio, Bio Center, Cluster Bio, Ecocert, FNAB, GRAB, IBB, InterBio Nouvelle Aquitaine, InterBio Pays de la Loire, ITAB, MABD, Natexbio, Nature et Progrès and SYNABIO. It has also been supported by institutions such as the French Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Ministry for the Transition towards Sustainability and Solidarity, the Bretagne region and the city of Rennes. & Nbsp;

For five days, more than 2,500 actors such as allies, farmers, researchers and public policy makers to inform, debate and dialogue about resilience, social transformation, health and food sovereignty in the organic world. The congress has a global character, and with this it is expected that the attendees will formulate positive initiatives for the exchange of knowledge on agriculture and organic food. At the congress, it is expected to have more than 600 speakers and 800 contributions.

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AOA Chile