Organic products on the rise in Catalonia, Spain

Organic products on the rise in Catalonia, Spain

More than 60% of the Catalan population consumes organic products
The results of the latest study of the Barometer of Perception and Consumption of Organic Food, published by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (DARP) of the Generalitat de Catalunya, show that more than 60% of the Catalan population consumes organic products , although with a very different frequency.

47% do it more than once a month, while consumers who do it weekly already reach 34%. People who consume daily are also up from the previous barometer, and now they are almost 8%. Thus, on this occasion, the increase in the consumption of organic food affects all consumption ranges, from people who start to consume organic products to those who already consume, who are increasing their intensity of consumption, that is, they leave loyalty more and more.

Frequency of consumption of organic food in Catalonia
Frequency of consumption of organic food in Catalonia. Source: Generalitat Barometer
Buyers of organic products are spending more and more money to buy this type of product, a percentage that stands at 34% of total spending on food products. Almost all of the consumers of organic food surveyed intend to continue consuming this type of product in the coming months, while 33% of current consumers express the intention to increase their consumption, especially of vegetables and legumes, meat and fruit.

Following the trend of recent years, the study shows the importance of the local origin of the products, a factor that is increasingly valued and demanded by organic consumers. Almost half of the regular buyers of organic food, if they cannot find an organic product of Catalan origin, they prefer to buy it of non-organic Catalan origin, rather than organic from elsewhere. In this sense, there are still 54% of people who mistakenly believe that organic products are always seasonal and local food, although this percentage is decreasing.

The main reason to buy organic food is still, by far, health

The introduction of organic food in public dining rooms is an issue that consumers are increasingly interested in, and on this occasion there are 91% of those surveyed who consider it interesting to offer this possibility, 77% would be willing to pay more for this service . Specifically, regarding school canteens, 70% of parents with children who use them would be willing to pay more to consume organic food, of which 12% affirm that they already incorporate them. Likewise, 40.7% affirm that their children have told them about organic food as a result of some school activity they have done.

Attitudes regarding the introduction of organic products in schools
Attitudes in relation to the introduction of ecological products in schools. Source: Generalitat Barometer
As in all the editions that have been made of this study, the main reason to buy organic food continues to be, by far, health, although this year highlights the strong growth of people who claim to consume for environmental reasons. Almost all buyers also state that there is a premium over non-organic food. Depending on the type of products, consumers believe that they pay between 20 and 33% more for organic products.

41% of the population affirms that they buy organic food, a percentage that is directly related to the level of studies. 52% of people with university studies claim to buy, whereas in the case of people without studies the percentage drops to 12%.

The main place of purchase for organic products is still specialized stores

As for the most consumed organic foods, they continue to be, as on other occasions, vegetables / legumes (they represent 77% of organic food consumers), eggs (72%), and fruit (70%). Next, milk and dairy products (59%), meat (50%), bread, cereals and pasta (48%), and organic oil (32%).

What organic foods do you eat at home?
What organic foods are eaten at home? Source: Generalitat Barometer
The main place of purchase of organic products continues to be the stores specialized in organic products (47%), maintaining their position, although this time the purchase in hypermarkets, supermarkets and large stores reaches practically the same level, rising 12 points from the 2015. the rest of the options are slightly down.

Where to buy organic food in Catalonia
Place of purchase of organic food in Catalonia. Source: Generalitat Barometer

The main place of purchase of organic products continues to be the stores specialized in organic products (47%), maintaining their position, although this time the purchase in hypermarkets, supermarkets and large stores reaches practically the same level, rising 12 points from the 2015. the rest of the options are slightly down.

Where to buy organic food in Catalonia
Place of purchase of organic food in Catalonia. Source: Generalitat Barometer
The 2020 Organic Food Perception and Consumption Barometer aims to quantify and qualify the knowledge and consumption habits of organic food of Catalan consumers and measure their evolution. This is the sixth wave of the Barometer, after those carried out in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2015. It has been carried out from 1,600 interviews carried out with the Catalan population during the month of February of this year and has been prepared by the DARP, through the company Gabinet d’Estudis Socials i Opinió Pública SL, and has had the collaboration of the Center for Opinion Studies (CEO).

You can consult the study report by clicking here, or in a reduced version, here.
Fuente: Bioecoactual

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AOA Chile